13 Aug Introducing Documentary Photography Review
I have been very quiet in the way of blog posts for some time now – not having posted at all in 2013. Well there’s a good reason for that, which is Documentary Photography Review – a group/organisation/platform I’ve set up to help support those who wish to explore documentary photography.
I have been very quiet in the way of blog posts for some time now – not having posted at all in 2013. Well there’s a good reason for that, which is Documentary Photography Review – a group/organisation/platform I’ve set up to help support those who wish to explore documentary photography.
Documentary Photography Review aims to provide a place for documentary photographers of all levels the means to showcase their work – sharing the photo stories and personal projects which they are working on – completed or in progress.
Currently all work is accepted, and work will not be edited, nor will any accompanying text – it will be your work as you intended to be, and your words as you intended to share them. The desire is to give everyone who has taken the time and energy to explore photographically a story they are interested in or passionate about a forum within which to share that story, and instead of the work being edited by one person, there is the means for your peers to provide feedback on your body of work – providing you with constructive criticism and advice on how it might be refined, if at all.
Through this process the desire is that those who share their stories will evolve as documentary photographers and become more competent in the art of visual storytelling. Are knowledge and understanding of documentary photography can always be refined, and how better to do it than through the support of your peers around the globe.
It’s in it’s infancy, having only started the group in January, and the site mid-February, but I hope it will grow into a valuable resource for all who use it, and those who stumble upon it.
If you have an interest in documentary photography, why not visit the site – participate in discussions, view and comment on people’s work, and if you have your own photo essays you would like to showcase, then submit a story – all this and more at Documentary Photography Review »